Designing a new communication tool and sensory standards for αGEL
Taica Corporation
Producer for the Milan/Design Week Exhibit
Toyo Aluminum Co., Ltd.
Transforming ideas into reality. The material development project
LIXIL Material Science Research Institute, Inc.
Building a world where ideas and technology meet. Creating their branding movie.
Functional and delicate fabrics developed through the history and culture of the Kyoto coast
More than just a packing material, "Puchi Puchi" is an uneven polyethylene sheet that even envelops people's feelings.
Carbon textile that realizes "patterned weaving" and "mixed weaving of different materials", which is difficult to achieve with conventional carbon fiber.
Ink for taking notes made with natural ingredients as its main component that makes use of original techniques
REPORT:School of Fashion Futures
Using Augmentation To Understand The World As Seen By Organisms
DESIGN WEEK TANGO 2021 & Hacking the Known Report